Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jan 16th

Before we left Las Lajas we walked down to the cathedral over the river. This is the third cathedral built on this site, the original was built in the 19th century. The history of the site is pretty amazing and worth a google search.

The guardian angel of Las Lajas

Our first stop for the day was the border crossing into Ecuador. First step was to exit Columbia. If you discount the 20 minutes we stood in line it took about 10 minutes to export ourselves and the bikes out of the country. Awesome!
Entering Ecuador was just as easy. Lines were organized, officials were there to help and direct, compared to our Central American experiences this was a breeze.

Thanking the Ecuadorean import agent, he made it easy and made us feel welcomed. Very cool.

View from our room in Ortavala, Ecuador.

While looking for a place to stay in Ortavala Max and I ran into Laura from Seattle who by chance recommended the place Jim had just booked us in.
She and Tom are riding from Argentina up to Columbia. It was great to share information about routes and places to stay. Turns out Laura is a GPS geek and help Jim load maps and trouble shoot his unit. Tom is riding a KLR and as he has had several was a wealth of information for me.

Location:Las Lajas, Columbia to Otavala, Ecuador


211miles today
Temps in the 50's and 60's a little rain and two passes over 10,000. It's great to be back in the high country.

Waiting for road construction.

One of my last views of Columbia.

We arrive in Las Lajas site of the famous cathedral built over the river. Our lodging tonight is a former convent, or monastery, interesting place.
We are entertained by a children's pageant or play, I think a combination of the two. I go to sleep to the sounds of traditional music and children yelling out their parts in the play.

Location:Popayan to Las Lajas