Tuesday, April 3, 2012

March 9th and 10th

March 9th
Knikki's birthday!
Neat ride out of El Chalten. Open road no traffic.

Lunch stop on the side of the road reminded me of the 4 corners area of New Mexico.
Arrive at the Lonely Planet recommended camp ground. Easy to find, easy check in, Wifi, but cigarette butts littering every camp site, and then the campground dog shows up to mark my tent as his territory. Glad I had the rain fly up.
Ok, it was crap, the worst camping situation I've had on the entire trip. Noisy both in and around the campground all night and early morning long. AAAARRGGGGGG!

March 10th
After a camp breakfast I head out to see the Moreno Glacier. I'm curious more than interested as to what their "must see" glacier will be like. Well it was pretty cool.

I stopped after the park entrance to get some pictures of the glacier and glacial lake.
The whole park is well laid out with photo pull outs and picnic areas along the road to the glacier.
Once you get close to the glacier you're directed to a parking lot where free shuttles take you to the viewing area. From the number of cars and tour busses in the lot I imagine viewing the glacier will be a challenge.

Wrong, they have this amazing cat walk trail that goes in a huge loop. It has large photo areas off it as it runs parallel to the face of the glacier. I walked the loop and never felt the crowds. I was impressed, they have this one figured out.

After the glacier I took a side road to grab some roadside euro snacks for lunch. Just me and a bunch of sheep on the road.

Back to the black hole camp ground. The one thing Lonely Planet did nail was clean showers with lots of hot water.
I met up with Jim and Max for dinner at there hostel and gave them my tourist notes on the Glacier and El Chalten. I think they will both enjoy El Chalten.
Jim is looking pretty good and seems to be managing. I know Max is a huge help right now. We begin to rough figure our next rendezvous in Buenos Aires.

March 11th
Rain showers last night. Camp breakfast and on the road to Torres del Paine

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Location:El Calafate.