Lay over day in San Pedro. Our morning search for coffee and a ATM lead us to the market. Great looking fruits, vegetables and chili's. Max chatted up a couple of farmers who said they didn't use pesticides or fertilizers, no need they said. Thinking it's the rich volcanic soil that makes it work for them, neat.
Grabbed a boat ride across the lake to San Marcos. The lake has risen some 10' in the last couple of years, heavy rains and lack of earthquakes the locals say. All of the docks and most beach front buildings were underwater.
We went to find Max's recommended place for breakfast and coffee only to find it had washed away with the raising lake waters. Locals recommended the the Moonfish Cafe, it was great on all counts.
San Marcos had a great feel, laid back, a number of yoga and meditation centers.
Heard that The Blue Lily Cafe had a Central America Lonely Planet we could look at so we searched it out and did some research.
Jim and Max ventured off to explore. I went back to the Blue Lily and spent time reading relaxing and listening to various English ascents come and go. Lot's of thanksgiving planning going on here, along with a plans for a Goddess dance
Back across on the boat, Dnoz's was recommend for dinner, who knows.
No wifi found here......bummer.
Planning on an early start to hopefully avoid trucks coming down.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:San Pedro, Guatemala